“i got it like that” out now⚡️

a letter from Prakriti, to you:

hi ! thank you so, so much for visiting my page. as my favorite influencer always says (@nabela), i’m so happy you’re here.

the “i’m sorry” era is officially coming to an end.

i’m forever grateful for all that “i’m sorry” and “friends can break your heart too” brought me - the lessons learned, the losses + the wins, + all the stories in between.

“i got it like that” is the goodbye to all that was + marks the beginning of a brand new era.

the beginning of a new, grown, + ever changed me.

i’ve got so much left to share with you all this year, + i promise this song is just the start of it.

until then, be sure to stream “i got it like that” - out on all streaming services now. 🤍

sending all my love always,

prakriti :)

Prakriti Deuja: a girl who’s got it like that.